Mentoring case studies / Enghreifftiau o fentora

Digital challenges

The challenges surrounding arts organisations publishing digital content.

Heriau digidol

Yr heriau mae sefydliadau celfyddydol yn eu hwynebu wrth gyhoeddi cynnwys digidol.

Cyhoeddi’n Ddwyieithog

Yn ystod rhaglen fentora ddiweddar i Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, bu’r heriau y mae sefydliadau celfyddydol yn eu hwynebu wrth gyhoeddi cynnwys digidol yn sail i sesiwn grŵp cyfoedion.


Darllenwch yr astudiaeth achos

Brightly coloured piles of notebooks and screwed up pieces of paper and stationary on a desk
Brightly coloured piles of notebooks and screwed up pieces of paper and stationary on a desk

Publishing Bilingually

During a recent mentoring programme for Arts Council of Wales, the challenges around arts organisations publishing digital content in both Welsh and English formed the basis for a peer-to-peer group session.


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Heriau ymarferol wrth greu cynnwys

O’r ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus i’r Rhaglenni Mentora Digidol cyntaf yng Nghymru, gofynnodd nifer am help i asesu eu dulliau presennol o ymdrin â chynnwys digidol, ac roedd llawer wedi dod ar draws heriau nad oedd â dim i’w gwneud â’r dechnoleg. Er enghraifft, trafod trwyddedu a hawlfraint, neu ddulliau gwahanol o fesur llwyddiant (dulliau metrig).


Darllenwch yr astudiaeth achos

Cast of a show taking a bow on a stage
Members of young orchestra sitting toghetr with their instruments and chatting

Practical challenges when creating content

Of the successful applicants to the first Digital Mentoring Programmes in Wales, a number asked for help in exploring their approaches to ongoing digital content, and many had encountered challenges that had nothing to do with the tech. For example, negotiating licensing and copyright, or the use of metrics.


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Creu Strategaeth Ddigidol gydag Adnoddau Cyfyngedig

Mae nifer o bobl yn gofyn am help gan The Space wrth ysgrifennu eu strategaeth ddigidol gyntaf – tasg sy’n ymddangos yn llawer mwy brawychus i’r bobl greadigol hynny sy’n gweithio mewn timau bach neu hyd yn oed fel unigolion.


Darllenwch yr astudiaeth achos

Gina Biggs sitting on a rocky outcrop against a blue cloudy sky.
A pair pf hands in the air looking over the horizon

Creating a digital strategy with limited resources

A number of people seek help from The Space in writing their first digital strategy – a task made all the more daunting for those creatives working in small teams or even as individuals.


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Ffrydio byw y tu hwnt i’r cyfnod clo

Pan wnaeth Small World Theatre Company yn Aberteifi, Ceredigion, gais i’r rhaglen fentora, roedden nhw newydd gwblhau cyfres o dreialon gyda ffrydio byw, a ysgogwyd gan gyfyngiadau’r cyfnod clo.


Darllenwch yr astudiaeth achos

Still from Amser Stori of an amimated girl with a hare in a field
Still from Amser Stori of an amimated girl with a hare in a field

Live streaming beyond lockdown

When Small World Theatre Company in Cardigan, Ceredigion, applied to the mentoring programme, they had just completed a series of trials with live streaming, prompted by the restrictions of lockdown.


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